So I'm sitting here sad, sore, and lonely. I think I killed my back and if it hurts this much now, I fear what tomorrow will bring. And that's not even the worst part. The worst part is the loneliness. There are no boys in the house! As if not having Karlo around isn't bad enough, I had to drop Bentley off at the vet last night. He was supposed to have one of his toes amputated. God, I hate that word. It broke my heart to leave him there last night. Lately his paw has been great and here I go, dropping him off to spend two nights in a cage and get ripped open. I just didn't feel good about it and it killed me.
Boy was I surprised when the vet called me today to say that she decided NOT to cut his toe off just yet. She agreed that he seemed to be doing much better and changed her diagnosis about the toe having a tumor in it. We decided to wait until his next flare up to cut him open. Why make him miserable when he's doing good? So now it's sleeting and I'm afraid to drive and go get him. For positively no good reason, my poor dog is alone in a cage when I'm home missing him.
So here we sit . . . me and Peanut . . . missing Karlo and Bentley (our Valentines). sniff sniff
Oh, I'm so sorry you're alone! Pretend it's just a crappy normal day. It's actually February 13th. Now you and Peanut can mope because the weather sucks, and tomorrow it will be all better because the boys will be home on Valentine's Day!
I spent VD day alone too!!! Well, with the kids...who were stir crazy from being inside. I also did the stupid thing of deciding to take away Jacksons pacifier 4 days ago... (CAN YOU SAY WITHDRAWAL) Well he has not napped in 4 days and the night time is anyone's guess. One night great..the next, like last night, he did not get to sleep til 1am. Oh well, wasn't all bad...Al did send me flowers... Happy VD day to everyone.!!!! Hope Bentley is o.k..... Oh yeah..guess wwho I just emailed? Mr. Torns from Naylor!!
WHAT?? You emailed Mr. Torns??? OK, you gotta tell me what that was all about.
Happy Belated Valentines to you too Reg. Give the kids hugs and kisses for me.
And Lisa, great idea. Today is officially Valentine's day. Karlo is home and I'm heading there right now.
Great, Gina's post just totally depressed me. My child is soooo pacifier dependent she will be using until she is 25!!!
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