Friday, May 25, 2007

Return From the Firey Pits of Hell

Today was officially Hell. I know I already whined and complained last week after I set our trade show booth up, but this was even worse. Today was dismantle day and aside from the fact that it was 98 degrees in the hall (expect for when the fork lifts drove by you, increasing the temps by another 10 degrees and blowing propane exhuast in your face) dealing with lazy, imcompotent men has snapped my last nerve.

You know that saying . . . if you can't say something nice you shouldn't say anything at all . . . so therefore, I better sign off now!

I have a feeling tomorrow will be a much better day :-)

PS - Karlo, if you are reading . . . I just want you to know how much I appreciate the fact that you are a very capable, strong, hardworking man! I know I take you for granted, and days like today remind me of that.

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