Saturday, August 11, 2007

I've Been Tagged

I was going to write about my exciting night Thursday night. Jess arrived for her summer visit and as we were taking her on a tour of the house, she pointed out that there was a ‘bird’ in the house . . . only it wasn’t a bird at all. It was a BAT! Good Lord, a bat in the house. Jess and I made a mad dash into one of the bedrooms and shut the door as Karlo tried to figure out how on earth he was going to catch this thing. Now you have to imagine the ceilings in our house . . . They are tall and the bat was flying back and fourth over the open foyer. So to make the tall ceilings even worst, Karlo didn’t even had a floor to stand on! But somehow, I can’t really describe how because we were scared to open the door to watch, he captured the thing with a towel. I learned a big lesson to NEVER keep the doors open for more than the 2 seconds it takes to walk out them. There are some scary things out here in the woods and I don’t want to find out what they are.

Well, I guess I did just tell you about my exciting night after all, but today’s blog entry is supposed to be 8 random facts about myself. My friend Lisa got tagged by another friend of hers and she had to blog about her random facts. What a riot they were. If you know Lisa, and even if you don’t, you might be amused to learn more about her. Check out her blog posting here.
So now it’s my turn and this won’t be easy. I don’t think I could come up with facts that you don’t already know, but here are some things that might give a stranger a better idea of the real me.

  1. I am a certified interior redesigner. I got my certificate last year and it was the most fun I ever had doing homework and lessons. I love my job. I really do. But I would find it wildly exciting to start a new career. I would love to be an architect (despite the fact that I can never spell it right) or an interior designer.
  2. I don’t vote! I hate politics, Politians and everything remotely related to politics. When I see people standing on the side of the road, in the cold, holding political signs and waving to cars I am simply stunned. I truly can’t imagine why anybody in their right mind would waste their own personal time. And do they REALLY think waving at cars is going to influence voters? Idiots. (Just for the record, I toned this item way down for public viewing. I REALLY have strong feelings on this subject so I had to hold back.)
  3. Despite the fact that I think travelling is really a drag (the actual transportation part), I have visited 19 different countries. Many of the countries, I’ve been to more than once. I feel very fortunate about this fact and it’s definitely affected the way I view the world.
  4. In my next life I want to be a dancer. I love dancing. I love watching other people dancing. I achieved one of my long-time goals of taking dance classes and performing in a recital. That was a big deal for me considering I was the only one in the class that hadn’t been dancing since I was 6. It was hard and challenging, but I did it. Next time around I want to start when I’m 6 years old and continue dancing for the rest of my life.
  5. I run a side business and I really enjoy the challenge of it (most of the time.) Sometimes I get so overhelmed I want to quit, but I’ve been plugging along now for over 3 years. I love the sense of accomplishment it gives me and nothing pleases me more than getting fan mail from people that think YogaDudes is a ‘real’ business.
  6. I am still very close friends with 4 or 5 girls that I started kindergarten with. I personally think this is one of the most amazing random facts that I can share. I have never met anybody at my age that still has such strong ties to the kids they grew up with. I think that says something about the times when we were kids and the area that we grew up in. It’s hard for me to go back at this point to where I grew up, but I wouldn’t trade my childhood for anything.
  7. I am semi-neurotic and overly nervous about just about everything. I feel unexplainably guilty for ridiculous things, I can’t seem to say no, and spend way too much time worrying about things I can’t control. Last week I got a silly email survey from a friend. One of the questions was “What do you hate most about yourself?” I looked at what the other girls wrote and everyone complained about a physical trait. I have plenty of those that I hate and would love to change too, but the thing that I truly hate the most about myself is my nervous nature. I really wish I could change it because it affects every aspect of my life. Sigh
  8. I have a secret desire to write a book. I feel like, so far, I’ve lived an incredible life. I’ve already done more things than dozens of people combined will ever do in a lifetime. I’ve had so much fun writing about some of my stories in my blog that the idea of writing a book is really starting to interest me. Who knows, maybe someday I will. In my spare time . . . what’s that?


Anonymous said...

i would love for you to write a book. then i can show you off in front of my book club friends and
FINALLY have a book to recommend to the group.

lgaumond said...

SEMI-neurotic? I would have to say ENTIRELY neurotic.

Anonymous said...

I aggree with Lisa.