Monday, March 10, 2008

Lost Hours

I don't think I'm too happy with daylight savings just yet. And is it me, or does it seem to be happening really early this year? It's too soon to actually enjoy the extra hour of daylight. It's too cold to really do anything outside after work. And instead, we have to wake up in the complete darkness. I hate that. It's hard enough to get out of bed, but when it's pitch dark outside, it's even harder. And to make matters even worse, I forgot to reset the clocks on our programmable thermostats so our heat never kicked on this morning. We had to get up and get dressed in the cold dark. Boo hoo.

And not only did we lose an hour from pushing the clocks ahead, but it takes me an additional hour to reset all my clocks and WATCHES. Why do I own so many darn watches? And that doesn't include how long it will take me to figure out how to change the clock in my car!

I'm blaming the whole blur of a weekend on the 'springing ahead.' It went by too fast and I feel as though I didn't do enough. Can I have a redo?

1 comment:

Chelsea said...

I forget how to change the clock in my truck every year....and then remember finally that it takes a pen to poke it.
I was in Chicago over the weekend--so I came home last night to an entire house of off clocks, and before I finally went to bed found myself running around and adjusting everything--except my stereo which I can't figure out for the life of me!