Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Never Ending Lists

My life seems to be getting consumed with lists. I think I spend more time making lists than I do checking things off my lists. I start every single day making a list of things that I was supposed to do the day before, but didn’t get to. Rather than having shrinking lists, the darn things just keep getting longer. My lists are out of control and need to be tamed. Do you know where I can find a list tamer?

It doesn’t help that I’m so completely exhausted that just the thought of performing the tasks on my lists makes me want to take a nap. On Sunday I had a less than stellar run. I’ve been all pumped up about my increasing running skills and the thought of doing the Manchester Road Race this year. So on Sunday we increased our distance a tiny bit and I didn’t do well. I finished, but I didn’t feel great like I normally do. This upset me greatly.

Then it was on to stacking wood. We got our second cord delivered on Sunday and I was excited to stack it. I breezed through the first cord on Saturday and was eager for another workout. Only this one wasn’t pleasant at all. I was tired and dizzy and my head was spinning. I chalked it up to allergies due to all the dust and dirt. I went inside and immediately fell asleep.

We made a nice dinner on Sunday night that I insisted I screwed up on. Nothing tasted right and I couldn’t, for the life of me, figure out how I can mess up boxed rice! I complained about a yucky lunch yesterday and insisted on adding twice the sugar to my organic hot cocoa. Then last night we went out to our favorite oriental cafe for dinner and it was terrible. I got my usual dish of chicken, pork, and shrimp and couldn't distinguish between them. Finally, it hit me that my taste buds are not working properly. Come to think of it, neither is my sense of smell. Suddenly my shampoo and body gel lost there pretty scent. I refuse to let this cold come on full force. I don’t have time for this!

The highlight of my day yesterday was very easy to pick out. Work sucked due to my head ache and current overloaded work schedule and dinner was blah . . . so the easy winner event of the day was watching my niece play volleyball. Rocky Hill High took on EO Smith High, which was quite convenient for Karlo and I. We just zipped over to Mansfield after work and got to watch Nicole on the court. It took a lot of will power to keep my butt on the bleachers and not run out onto the court to steal a set. God, it is amazing how much I still love that sport. Karlo recently mentioned how amazed he is to see how much passion I have for photography. He can’t believe that I found something in my life to get me up before the sun and endure the cold for. I told him that before getting a ‘real’ camera the only thing that I ever had so much passion for was volleyball. It was MY LIFE for many many years. It made me sad to think about it being a thing of the past. I wonder if I still got it . . . . Santa, I want a ball for xmas!


michelled said...

Lists are a must!!

And you are an amazing photographer!

Feel better soon!

tina said...

love all your photos. we had a great time reading about your trip and the kids were very impressed with your yoga moves.