In case you're wondering where I am . . . we survived our week in Chicago. It was a long and sometimes painful week of getting up early and not having more than 10 minutes of down time to ourselves from breakfast to a late dinner for 6 straight days. Talking, talking, talking . . . my voice has still not completely come back yet.
We got home after midnight on Saturday night and I had 3 waking hours at home on Sunday before I had to leave for my next trip - just enough time to shower, unpack, and repack. Then I was off on a solo road trip to Maine. I can't really complain about that part. I thoroughly enjoyed the trip. I had the top down, the tunes jamming, and the best part . . . two shopping pit stops. One in Kittery and one in Freeport. For a while there I was wondering how many bags I could stuff into my little car, but luckily time hindered me more than space did.
I arrived in Rockport, Maine just in time for dinner. I was very much looking forward to this trip to kickback and have some
much much needed time to myself. After being 'on' nearly all the time in Chicago I just needed a mental break and time to read, or walk, or take pictures, and unwind. Well, THAT is not going to happen!
Apparently I enrolled in video boot camp. Our dinner was at 6PM on Sunday evening and it was immediately followed by orientation at 7PM, which was immediately followed by classroom time at 8PM. Hello, 8PM on a Sunday? Are they kidding me? No, no joke. We even got homework.
This morning I was up at 5:45. Well, I was awake the
entire night due to the caffeinated tea that I so stupidly had with dinner. Add to that the fact that I'm staying in a dorm with very thin walls. Most of the people on this floor are photographers so they were all stirring at 4AM and out the door by 5 to get sunrise shots. Been there, done that, and I wasn't budging. Did my yoga, went for a drive, and got to breakfast for 8:30. Class started at 9:00 and we only got one water and potty break before our 1:30 lunch. We only got an hour for lunch so I ate quick and took a 30 minute walk. Then it was back to class at 2:30 . . . . and we went non-stop
(literally without a potty or water break - and no food or drink is allowed in the lab) until 6:30. I think prisoners have an easier day. Dinner at 6:30 and you ready for this? BACK to the classroom for more work. I couldn't take it anymore and walked out at 8:15. Apparently our time has been scheduled from 9am - 9pm every night with almost zero free time. And it's only Monday, God help me.
But on a positive note, I will be able to go to Hollywood and produce movies by the time I'm done with this class. This school is highly acclaimed for professional photographers and film makers so I'm learning a lot. Today I produced my own version of an old Law & Order episode. Well, not the entire episode, but a few scenes. Quite challenging, but very cool.
Not sure how much I'll be able to blog this week. Will be back when I come up for air. And with a little luck I'll actually snap a picture or two of beautiful Rockport/Camden.