Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Today, so far, was perfect. First we sailed for 3.5 – 4 hours. The water was just choppy enough to be fun without getting sea sick. The sun was strong and the views terrific. It was so relaxing to just lay there and not do a thing. This is a VERY strange vacation concept us.
The first bike tour of the day was excellent. The main road that spans the entire island was more narrow that our driveway at home! Thank goodness there wasn’t any traffic. We cycled through what seemed like alleyways through tiny towns and then the road made its way to a point where you can see spectacular ocean views on both sides.
Today, so far, was perfect. First we sailed for 3.5 – 4 hours. The water was just choppy enough to be fun without getting sea sick. The sun was strong and the views terrific. It was so relaxing to just lay there and not do a thing. This is a VERY strange vacation concept us.
The first bike tour of the day was excellent. The main road that spans the entire island was more narrow that our driveway at home! Thank goodness there wasn’t any traffic. We cycled through what seemed like alleyways through tiny towns and then the road made its way to a point where you can see spectacular ocean views on both sides.
The second bike tour today was also great. The scenery on the island (which was called Dugi Otok, meaning “Long Island”) have been the best so far. At this point the tour is getting better every day! I can’t imagine the islands getting any more beautiful. If yesterday was the worst bike ride, today was the best one.
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Well, today is my birthday. This will be my last year in my 30s and the thought of that makes me sick. It sure is strange how perspective changes everything. I need to find a new perspective on age. For instance, under normal circumstances, if you asked me what I wanted for my birthday, I would probably have a long list of clothing, electronics and other goodies. Today, all I want for my birthday is a shower! And a functioning toilet in our cabin. When we first arrived on board I thought our tiny bathroom was roughing it. Now having it back would be a huge luxury. Amazing.
Footnote: there was a plumbing problem on the boat that broke all the plumbing on the top cabins. So the most expensive rooms had no bathroom. How ironic.
We had two different bike tours today. The first one was spectacular. We rode down to the southern tip of Dugi Otok. The terrain was perfect and the views awesome. As I pedaled along I tried to find adjectives to describe what I was seeing and I came to the realization that there aren’t any.
I felt great riding today. Must have been that chocolate spread that I’m beginning to get addicted to. It must have given me extra energy because the hills didn’t phase me at all. I certainly don’t feel another year older today!
After lunch we sailed for a couple of hours and did another short bike tour. This time we hung out by the water waiting for the ferry to take us to the port where the boat was (hopefully) being fixed. I had good intentions of swimming, but it’s just not meant to be. The clouds took over and . . . yes, I was cold! I waddled up to my ankles and got goosebumps.
We rode the ferry to Zadar (on the mainland) and it started to sprinkle. By the time we got back to our boat, it was officially raining, but perfect timing. I got my birthday wish – a shower (and not just the rain) and that pleased me greatly. Now if they could just get the ship fixed, I would be thrilled. This takes being “homeless” to a whole new level. I am sick of running around the ship looking for a place to pee and brush my teeth. Uuugh.
The rain turned into an awesome thunder storm and Karlo said the thunder was my birthday fireworks! The cook made me a special (what turned out to be Hungarian) dessert for my birthday. It's called “Fank” and it was delicious!
The rain stopped and we strolled through the old city of Zadar. It was really neat with the wet cobblestones and the ancient ruins. I’m kicking myself for not bringing the camera. The sky was so amazing. The storm brought with it the meanest looking clouds and the strongest wind. The boat was tossing around like a cork as it was docked. But the strong winds also made for the perfect “organ.” There is a spot where the wind and sea rush into tunnels in the sea wall. It makes a howling sound and tonight was the perfect night to hear it.
All and all I could not imagine a better birthday. I spent the day cycling the most beautiful island, in what has to be the greatest place on Earth. I relaxed as we sailed, ate great food and Karlo even bought me a little gift – a necklace with a pretty blue pendant that will always remind me of the majestic water here in Croatia. My only question at this point is how on Earth will we ever top this one? And to think, NEXT year is supposed to be the big birthday.
All and all I could not imagine a better birthday. I spent the day cycling the most beautiful island, in what has to be the greatest place on Earth. I relaxed as we sailed, ate great food and Karlo even bought me a little gift – a necklace with a pretty blue pendant that will always remind me of the majestic water here in Croatia. My only question at this point is how on Earth will we ever top this one? And to think, NEXT year is supposed to be the big birthday.
To see pictures from this segment of our tour, please use this link: http://picasaweb.google.com/paulasworld/CroatiaPart2
1 comment:
i watched your video w/the kids and
we loved it. thanks for sharing and
we agree...spectabulous!
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