It was 5 years ago today! I still can't believe how quickly five years have passed. Scary.
Well, today is our special day and we are on our way up to the Berkshires to celebrate. Seems we have started all sorts of anniversary traditions . . . one being that we are always away on Sept. 14th. We originally planned our Croatia trip to celebrate our anniversary, but it somehow ended up being my birthday celebration instead. So since this is our biggest anniversary to date, we just had to go somewhere. A two day motorcycle tour of the Birkshires it is!
Other traditions include buying a bottle of wine on our anniversary that we drink one year later on the next anniversary. I wonder if there are any local vineyards in that part of MA. We have learned from experience that buying local wines in Chicago is darn near impossible. So I'm no longer quite the stickler about the wine having to be from the locale that we are in. Now I just look for a pretty label.
And this morning we may have started yet another tradition. For the past 4 years we have chosen to purchase one gift for both of us . . . usually something small for the house that we can look back on and remember our anniversary. Two days ago Karlo called me from the airport (and this is classic Karlo). Here's our conversation:
K: Hi babe, I'm at the airport. Can you tell me again what the rule is this year about our anniversary? Am I allowed to buy you something?
P: Absolutely not! I am not planning to get you anything and I would rather pick up something in the Berkshires to remind us of our special weekend.
K: OK!
And then Karlo proceeds to hang up the phone and go and buy me jewelry. He NEVER listens to me and I'm not quite sure why he even asks me things. But on a brighter note, he got me some Swavorski crystal earrings and this morning I announced that "It would be OK to start a new tradition of shopping at Swaroski every year for our anniversary." hee hee
And this morning we may have started yet another tradition. For the past 4 years we have chosen to purchase one gift for both of us . . . usually something small for the house that we can look back on and remember our anniversary. Two days ago Karlo called me from the airport (and this is classic Karlo). Here's our conversation:
K: Hi babe, I'm at the airport. Can you tell me again what the rule is this year about our anniversary? Am I allowed to buy you something?
P: Absolutely not! I am not planning to get you anything and I would rather pick up something in the Berkshires to remind us of our special weekend.
K: OK!
And then Karlo proceeds to hang up the phone and go and buy me jewelry. He NEVER listens to me and I'm not quite sure why he even asks me things. But on a brighter note, he got me some Swavorski crystal earrings and this morning I announced that "It would be OK to start a new tradition of shopping at Swaroski every year for our anniversary." hee hee
Congratulations Paula and Karlo!
I should show you some pictures I found recently from the way-way-way back machine... I'll post some of them, others, I'm pretty sure you'll want to burn!
I can't believe how small the kids are in that picture! TIME FLIES!
Happy Anniversary guys! I hope you have a wonderful trip.
happy anniversary and many, many
more to come!! have a great trip
Happy Anniversary My how time flies, before you know it it will 10 , 20 and more ....enjoy your trip and can't wait to hear about it when you get back.
Happy Anniversary!!!
We hope you have a great trip.
Thanks everyone. We did have a great time - despite me turning into a giant popsicle today. And can I just say that I'm in shock to see a comment from Tammy! She knows how to comment after all :-)
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