Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Alone Time

My shopping trip to Big Y yesterday was exciting, not only because I won all those coins, but because I went there to stock up for my 'bachelorette week.' I had to buy myself some frozen dinners to get through a few days alone this week. I was actually looking forward to reverting back to the good ole days when I ate those things every night. And after eating dinner tonight I simply can not believe I used to actually like those things. Yuck. I'm thinking that Healthy Choice must have actually got heathy because it tasted terrible. I may have to resort to a different plan for tomorrow. Cereal and ice cream sound much more appetizing.

I amused myself for most of this evening with crafty things. My latest diversion is playing with clay. Since I made the investment in a kiln I figured I should get my money's worth out of it. Last weekend I bought this. Well actually two of these:

The smallest amount the pottery store would sell me was 50 lbs. I figure that should do me for the rest of my life. I never worked with clay before so this has been an interesting couple of days. I very quickly learned what not to do, but I'm still struggling to figure out the proper methods of working clay. So far I made a few pieces that may someday become pendents and earrings. It's a long process. First you cut out, mold, and shape your parts. Then you let them sit for a few days to dry out. The letting sit process has proved to be the hardest part. I can't seem to just let them sit there. I insist on going back to fiddle with them and I've already broken a quarter of the pieces. Grrrrrr. So tonight I made a few more and I'm going to force myself to not touch them until it's time to put them in the kiln for their first firing. The first firing is called the bisque fire and that will harden them up and get them ready for glazing. Then the fun really starts. From there I can decorate them with colors and refire for the final efffect. Hopefully I'll have some before and after pictures for you. Here's the before, but I already broke some of these . . .

Stay tuned next week for the "Afters."

1 comment:

tina said...

really neat stuff...cant wait to
see what happens next.