Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sunrise in Eastford

I got so inspired (and so used to getting up before the crack of dawn) on vacation that I decided to carry on the tradition at home. Yeah, I know it's a pipe dream and it likely won't last beyond this weekend, but I struck while the iron was hot. On Sunday morning Karlo (being an incredibly good sport) accompanied me on my pre-dawn drive around Eastford looking for a good picture. Let me tell you, sunrise and sunset pictures are slim pickins in this town. There is almost nowhere where you can catch a glimpse of the horizon without it being completely surrounded by trees. By the time the sun makes its way over the surrounding trees you totally lose the effect of the pretty sky. Sometimes I feel like we live a hole. One of these days I want to get out to Montana, the 'big sky' state.

But I tried to make the most of it and forced myself to push the shutter release. The scenery wasn't all that stellar to start with. In fact, I was shooting across an ugly swamp. But here's the results non-the-less. I think next time I'll have to get up earlier and drive further out of this hole we called Eastford.

1 comment:

tina said...

the pictures show exactly what eastford is like...trees everywhere.