Sunday, January 9, 2011

A Busy Week

Jessica was with us for the past week and we've been busy having fun. I try really hard to put my normal chaotic life on hold while she's here and I did a pretty good job. We managed to have some fun going to movies and visiting with friends. The time always goes by way too fast. While Jess was here we took advantage of the opportunity to take some photos for next year's Christmas cards. Mother Nature helped us out with a little snow and we sure did have a good time with our little photo session. Especially the dogs. I'm not quite sure what got them so crazy, maybe because they never took their toys outside before. They sure did crack us up. Here's a little video of the out-takes:

But now that party is over. While Karlo was driving Jess to the airport this morning I already had a load of laundry in the machine and I started the first day of the dreadful P90X training. I'm not sure I'm ready to take on this commitment again, but I really have no choice. More on that story soon.


lgaumond said...

Is it just me? When I try to watch the video I get a message saying that this video is private and I need to accept your friend request before I can watch it.

Unknown said...

Ooops, try it again. I switched it to Public.