And we were debating where the three spot lights should shine when it hit me that they should be pointing toward the non-existent pictures on the wall. That was the kick in the pants that I needed. Within a week I had the pictures framed and here they are on the wall.

I always wanted to frame that picture of Bentley. It was the last one taken of him :-( sniff sniff. Now I get to see my baby every day again and that makes me so happy. I hope the doggies like it.
Then I went one step further and moved the cool picture of my car that my cousin gave me from my office to above the doorway going to the garage. I figured it was more fitting to see the car on the way to the garage. And now I will look at this every day too (and think of my super thoughtful cuz.)

And now that I'm looking at this picture I'm wondering why on earth the door is blue. And not just blue, but dirty ugly blue. Uuuugh, I hate it and it must go. Add another project to my list.
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