Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Tuna Squisher

I can't believe this. I have been longing for this invention for years. I even asked Karlo to invent one for me. Who knew that it actually existed? And who knows how long it has existed without my knowledge, but low and behold I happened to stumble across this little beauty at Big Y earlier this week:

It's a tuna fish squisher and all I got to say to that is AMEN. Is it just me or do you also despise opening a can of tuna fish? I mean it's just disgusting to have to squish that can and have that nasty fishy juice running all down your hands and into your rings. I wash and scrub and still my hands stink like fish.

So I bought this little gadget and positively could not wait to try it out. OK, so it's not perfect. I did still get a little fish juice on me, but I have to admit, it was much better than not using it. It was a sound $3 or $4 investment and I will buy another to keep one at home and one at the office. Might not be as exciting or fun to use as the pineapple corer, but you should still get one. And who would have imagined that I would have not one, but two kitchen gadgets to recommend in one year?

1 comment:

tina said...

i should get this for the kids and Big Y is my second home so I would have no problem getting one.