Sunday, February 6, 2011

Ready To Collapse

Luckily that title refers to me and Karlo rather than our roof. Yesterday was one of the most brutal days of my life, from a physical work stand point. And to think, I've done some ridiculously physically demanding things in my life. My day started out with my P90X work out. Since it was the first day of Phase 2, the program stepped it up a notch. Bad timing. Given the fact that I was having IBS issues and skipped dinner the two previous nights, I thought I was gonna collapse. It took everything I had to get through the hour. And THAT was the easy part of the day.

From there I went outside to supervise Karlo on the roof. He was shoveling 3 to 4 feet of HEAVY snow off our wrap-around porch roof. The snow was literally over his waist all the way around the house. I can not even imagine how difficult that was for him because I only had to deal with a fraction of that snow when I cleared the piles he threw down on the driveway, deck, and dog run. Shoveling snow is one thing, but this was a rain-soaked mixture of snow and ice. It was brutal.

And that wasn't even all of it. I felt so bad that Karlo had to do all this work that I took it upon myself to dig a path to our oil spout (in the event that we needed an oil deliver.) The snow was as high as my chest, it was covered with the heavy stuff that came off the roof, and I had to dig out about 10 feet to get to the oil spout. Yeah, THAT was fun. I would have blogged about this yesterday, only I didn't have the energy. Even my fingers were tired!

I'm starting to come back to life today . . . enough to get online and post my pictures from last week. Here they are:

I was having a really bad day so I reached for some chocolate. What a great little fortune I got in the wrapper. Nothing improves my mood like shopping!

Our office is starting to look like a creepy ice castle.

And speaking of ice, we stayed home this day due to the ice storm.

Ice birds. If you look hard you can see them.

A turkey and a blue jay. (I really needed a longer lens.)

Karlo shoveling off the roof.

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