Sunday, July 10, 2011

Weekend Follies

Weekends just don't get any better than this past one as far as weather goes. I wish it didn't have to slip away so soon, but we really enjoyed it. We got in some great outdoor activities like biking, hiking, and kayaking. Notice how a motorcycle ride didn't come into the picture and that makes me so sad. I just feel like I'm stuck and I don't know what to do about fixing my issues. The short Summer will likely slip away before I come up with a solution.

In addition to playing outside on Saturday we also took a drive to Hartford. We got in a little visit with my Father, which is always nice, and then we attempted to go to the RiverFest. Holy mother of all crowds. It made Boston feel like a secluded walk through Eastford. After sitting in stressful traffic and paying $7 to park the car, we literally lasted about 17 minutes (just enough time to walk from one end of the waterfront plaza to the next) before we looked at each other and said, "Forget this. Let's get the Hell out of there." And that is exactly what we did. We fought the crowds to get back to the car and made our escape before the fireworks started. We ended up in a deserted parking lot in East Hartford, where we tailgated all alone until the fireworks started. Once they started we simply walked about one block where we could see just about everything. Yeah, we had to stand up, but at least we were mostly alone. Upon completion of the fireworks we were on the highway within 10 minutes and on our way back home to the peaceful seclusion that we are accustomed to. And to think, Karlo picked Hartford over New London because he thought it would be less crowded. Next year we know better. We are totally heading to New London!

Sunday was just picture perfect. We decided to plan the day around kayaking and I can't get over what a big treat this was. This was our very first voyage of the season and I can't believe how long it's been. We used to kayak a couple times per week. Now it seems like such a big deal to go kayaking. I packed a picnic lunch and spent all afternoon on the lake. This was my favorite part of the trip . . .

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