Today marks the first day of Summer . . . which means you better hurry up and start enjoying it, because it’s almost over. Or at least it seems like it is. Why is summer always the shortest season? And an even bigger question than that . . . Why can’t you find a bathing suit in the stores in July? That always kills me. Luckily, this season I went bathing suit shopping in June (this week) and it was a joke. Most of the suits were completely picked over and this section of the store was complete chaos. Finding a particular size was like hitting lotto. I just don’t understand why it’s so terrible for stores to stock appropriate items for the season THAT WE ARE IN. If you need a bathing suit this year, I’m telling ya . . . you better hurry to the store now – especially since today starts Summer. I’m sure that means the winter coats will be on the racks by the weekend.
i know what ya mean. that is why my
sister and i went to get ours in
Smart girl. Last year I needed new slippers right after Christmas. All I could find in the stores were FLIP FLOPS!
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