So . . . in case you haven’t already figured this out, we bought a used ATV last night. After many weeks of researching, mulling, making decisions, reversing decisions, getting confused, shopping and getting more confused, we finally decided on buying an ATV. The biggest reason for it will be for snow removal. But Karlo also needs some sort of vehicle to drive into the woods that can haul a trailer full of wood and rocks. Not to mention Paula just wants a toy to drive through the woods. And did I mention how far the mailbox is from the front door? All those trips out to bring my YogaDudes packages to the mailbox in the winter . . . that alone warrants an ATV!
So here’s a picture of the model we got. Only difference is the ATV in this picture is new and shiny and ours is, well . . . not new and shiny.

Last night we put our GPS to the test. We drove from Tolland to Voluntown (which is officially more in the middle of nowhere than Eastford.) It’s so far out that the locals have a funny accent for heaven’s sake. Then we made our way from there to Eastford to drop off the ATV and pick up my old motorcycle. Rick is insisting that we are already losing our bet. He says that we will accumulate ‘stuff’ directly proportional to the amount of storage space we have. And since we now have tons of storage space, he insists that we will fill it all up. Since I am terrified of getting the same disease as my father (Pack Rat Disease) I refuse to let this happen. I know we are not getting off to a good start, with our recent onslaught of toy purchases, but I refuse to lose this bet!
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