Yes, I am very excited about paint chips!! And the harassment that I took at work over them . . . you would not believe. Everyone at work teased me because I spent money on something that you can walk into the store and get for free. I don't care what it costs and I would do it again in a heartbeat. Nobody understands the pure bliss that comes from having a complete color wheel. Maybe it's the graphic designer in me.
So now I have thousands of colors at my fingertips. Yes, I KNOW I can go to the paint store and pick up individual chips, but that just doesn't compare to having them ALL!!! Now the fun begins. I have a huge blank canvas just beckoning for color. How on earth will I choose? Luckily I have a professional color consultant (yes Lisa, that would be YOU) to help me out.
At this point I don't even have the vaguest idea of what colors I want in the new house. I thought the first step would be to pick out one room to tackle and that will be the master bedroom. I want it painted before the furniture gets put in, and me sleeping on a REAL bed again is TOP priority. I don't even want to begin to discuss the back pains from the contraption that we've been sleeping on . . . Anyway, to help me decide, I figured I would start with new bedding and hopefully draw some inspiration from that. So far it's been weeks of hunting, shopping, buying, returning and shopping some more. Karlo is ready to use a sleeping bag for our quilt. I think he has reached his bedding shopping limit. And luckily for me, since he no longer cares, I bought the one that he said he didn't like. He's just going to have to trust me ;-)
Here's the bedding that I picked out. Only I'm planning on adding maroon accent pillows. So what color should the walls be?

1 comment:
i think a blue would be great. a
soft blue like you see in pottery
barn catalog. not sure how maroon
the pillows are though.
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