Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Week 26 in Photos

I think I need a bigger car. This is what happens when you take a Boxster to pick up motorcycle wheels.

We will call this one "deer fly season in Eastford." Some say that putting leaves above your head attracts the bugs to the leaves and away from your head. Jury is still out on whether or not it really works, but Karlo keeps hoping.

When we moved in 4 years ago I transplanted two hydrangea bushes (into the shade) and this is the first year since the shocking move that they made flowers. I was so excited to see them. One of these days I'm going to transplant them again, this time into the sunshine.

And speaking of flowers . . . a dozen of these appeared on my desk this day. Karlo sent them in honor of my birthday. Since our first trip to Tuscany sunflowers have been my favorite flower. This is the first time I ever had any. I was thrilled.

I wanted to take a picture of our tent from this angle because it shows the fact that we are camping mere feet away from our beautiful house. Go figure.

The happy couple at Nathan Hale, site of our wedding.

Seeing Sade was definitely the thing I want to remember from this day. The concert was outstanding!

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