Sunday, July 31, 2011

Week 30 in Photos

I spent most of my late afternoon trapped in my car watching the rain as I waited for Karlo to finish his dentist appointment and then go grocery shopping. I was in too much pain to move out of the car so I made the best of it and took pictures.

Our electrician friend and his assistant trying like hell to hook up our tub, but to no avail. Tub has to wait for part three of the major hook up production.

My lovely portraits showing the depressing story of my neck issues. Do not even want to discuss . . .

I was convinced I would never see this day. The tub is now hooked up and filled. Amen! I should have taken a picture of Tim, Karlo, Luke and Lisa all huddled around the tub watching the water flow in . . . but I was in so much shock that the power was hooked up that I was delirious and forgot to reach for the camera.

The highlight of my otherwise horrific day was finding this bracelet in the mail that my niece made for me.

Walked out to the deck first thing in the morning and took some dewy pictures of water droplets hanging off our new wooden shelf.

Up to my eyeballs in spa chemicals and not happy about it. Getting so frustrated with this science experiment that I'm ready to give up. Stupid spa. At least the duck is cute!

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