Friday, May 9, 2008

Catching Up

I was in Hartford again today and at one point somebody asked me what the date was. I didn't even know what day it was, forget the actual date. When it was finally determined that today was May 9th I quickly realized that I missed my brother's birthday yesterday. Sorry Angelo! And a happy belated birthday.

Here's a funny story . . . I was talking to Lisa this week and she told me that her sister called her and said, "Mom saw your comment on Paula's blog and wants to change the date of our party." Lisa's nephew's birthday is on July 5th and her family was planning a party. But lo and behold, Lisa's mother noticed that I was planning our little shin dig and changed their family party so that Lisa could make it to ours. I found this to be amazing on two accounts. One, she would go through that trouble and 2, Lisa's mother reads my blog???? Lisa's Mom, if you're reading . . . thank you and I hope you can also make it out here for the party.

And speaking of Lisa, this is mostly her fault and also a little bit of Jamie's fault. Lisa showed me a new blog theme a couple of days ago and it just happened to be right after Jamie complained about my lack of pictures from my Hartford report. So what am I up to now? Another new blog. Like I have time for that. Introducing my new photo blog:

1 comment:

Jamie said...


My goal is to try to post a new picture every day...

You and I should coordinate and pick theme days so it keeps us interested in doing this and have a bit of fun too!