Sunday, August 14, 2011

Week 32 in Photos

Almost grounds for a divorce! I left Karlo home last week with my sacred Skinny Cow ice creams and he PROMISED not to eat them. I got home to a house with zero Skinny Cows. Needless to say, it was an emergency getting to the grocery store today.

This is a long story that I will explain in a future blog post, but Karlo is in the process of lifting this 35' beam . . . all by himself.

My God did I need a drink this night. This was immediately following the most stressful visit to my father in the hospital. I think I was still shaking by the time we got to dinner.

All we need is a match and some marshmallows.

A lunch time play date with the chickens.

We finally invited some friends over and had a much needed bonfire. Got rid of the wood and all the weeds in the fire pit.

The very exhausted welder. Karlo has been working non-stop on his shed project. His trusty Cooper dog never leave his side.

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