The first pineapple I ever bought. Good thing Karlo was around to cut it open.
#227 The sun finally came out after days of rain. To celebrate I went to see the sunflowers at work.
#228 Four hours of my day was spent looking at this machine today. Good times!
#229 I got a kick out of this sign at the beauty salon. I was proud to answer, "My husband."
#230 The only pictures I took today were for my manager. I agreed to shoot some product packaging shots for him.
#231 So Karlo and I were bored one day and went to test drive a trike . . . OK, just kidding. We didn't buy one . . . but we want to.
#232 I can't believe how much I love this snapshot taken with the cheapest camera I own. I used my underwater video camera to snap this still and I didn't wipe the water off the lens. The result is a cool watercolor effect. Click on it for a bigger version to see what I mean.
WAIT! What the hell? Who's on dialysis???
My father.
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