On Karlo's mother's last night here in the US we introduced her to the world of computers, email, and internet. Why we waited until the last night, I'm not sure. She loved it. We couldn't pry her away from the computer. It was the cutest thing.
First, I went online and navigated my way to some Hungarian websites. We decided to set her up with her very own email address. By the way Lisa, our little "Momakam" term is now her official online name! This was very exciting for her, as this was her FIRST TIME ever touching a computer. It was fascinating to watch her as she experienced this. I quickly realized that telling her to "click" on something was completely meaningless. Within five minutes, we established our own new terminology. I had to tell her to "push" when I wanted her to click and what we know as "dot" was now "point." We had some good laughs as she struggled with the mouse.
It was amazing how we progressed throughout the evening. After 30 minutes, I was sitting on the couch with my laptop sending her emails. And she was sending emails back! This simply amazed her. I can't describe how exciting it was for all of us. This can very well be the connection that we have been yearning for. We can send her letters in a more convenient and timely fashion and better yet, pictures. I can just see her, eagerly riding her bicycle to the library to check her mail. As if I wasn't already completely enamored with technology, this seals the deal. How did we ever live without it?
That's fantastic. And too funny to picture you and she, ten feet apart in the house, sending emails to each other.
what words would you use to explain
"blog", that would amaze her just
like it did me. she is so sweet and cute.
"Momakam" is hip with the blogs! Karlo showed her all the postings that I made while she was visiting. She got a kick out of seeing all the photos online.
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