Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I'm Back

Sorry for the lapse in blog postings. It’s been one busy week and weekend. Last week was consumed by our trade show at the Big E. Long days and nights, but it was a very productive show, both for our company and for our book promotion.

This weekend was such a treat. We actually took time to have some fun. We hiked, biked, lounged, watched a parade, and went for some motorcycle rides. In addition to all the playing we also got lots of work done around the house and on the book. All in all it was a very good weekend.

The dogs were happy to get out after being alone most of the week. This was a special treat because we convinced Karlo to actually leave our yard. We hiked a blue blaze trail very close by and it was awesome. Most of the trail is lined with Mountain Laurel that will bloom at the end of June. I can't wait to see the trail then. Poor Bentley had a tough time. I hate to say this, but he may be too old for real hikes now. Breaks my heart.

We took our first 'real' bike ride of the season. I mapped out a great little 20 miler, printed out a very small map of the route and off we went. The ride started out spectacular. I couldn't believe what a great job I did with the route. We were in heaven . . . until we realized that we were lost. We had no food, no money, no food, no real map, and no clue where the heck we were. We had to use the sun to figure out which direction we were headed and our 20 miler turned into more of a 30 - 35 miler. Oh well. I was just happy to find Rt. 44. It's both exciting and scary to be biking in new territory.

We also took in some local Eastford entertainment. I guess you could say the parade was 'entertaining.' It had to be the smallest and lamest thing I ever saw, but that in itself was entertaining. The highlight was the llamas, oxen and chickens. I got to pet a llama so that made my day.

We finally got to see the house in Haddam. We stopped by to visit the family who was working hard rewiring the electricity to the dock. Karlo lended a helping hand while I caught up visiting with Dad, Penni and Nicole.

Now that I’m back to work I’m buried under a week’s worth of backed-up emails and work to do. Uuuugh. Here’s a very short (and lame) pictorial recap of my week.

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