Thursday, May 29, 2008

Dear Lisa . . .

How scary is it that I talk to most of my friends more via internet technology than in real life? So Lisa, I know you're listening . . . First I want to wish you a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY today.

I also want to explain why I thought chickens couldn't fly. You see, one of my all time favorite movies "The Chicken Run" clearly showed the chickens trying to learn how to fly. I think this is why I took it as gospel truth that chickens couldn't fly. After all, I did see it on TV. It MUST be true. If the clay chickens couldn't fly then how could the real chickens fly?

Can everybody tell that I REALLY need a vacation? Sigh.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Lisa!!

Karlo said...

Happy Birthday Lisa! . . . and tell Luke nice job on the deck!

lgaumond said...

Thank you everybody!!

And yes, clay chickens can TALK, but they can't FLY. That's how you can tell the difference between the real ones and the clay ones.