Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Today’s Top 5

This blog posting should win an award for the world’s lamest . . .

Top 5 Reasons Why I Can’t Come Up With a Blog Topic:
  1. I’m completely exhausted from my intense workouts. My body seems to be craving 10 hours of sleep lately and 8 hours is just not enough to recover. Getting out of bed is taking half of the energy that I need for the day and my brain is not functioning well for creative thinking.
  2. I’m swamped with big projects at work that are monopolizing all my thoughts.
  3. There is not much going on at home to generate funny stories.
  4. When I do get a free moment to think, my mind wanders to my list of things that I should have done this past weekend, but didn’t get around to.
  5. The dog ate my ‘blog topics’ notebook. Ok, I’m stretching here . . .

1 comment:

michelled said...

Don't feel like ya have to blog! You've been good, so you can take a few days off when you need to!

How long are your P90X workouts? So impressive that you are doing it.

I'm plugging away with my 10-minute trainers....Did every day for the first couple weeks and now I miss a day or two in between. I can tell my core is getting stronger...so that is making me happy!