Sunday, October 9, 2011

Week 40 in Photos


Today was the first day of my week-long video boot camp class in Rockport, Maine. The class started with a bang and was chock full of learning and laughs.


This is just a sample of what the class was like. Never a dull moment. By day two we already covered what is normally covered in a week+ of video training. By now we were mastering the professional cameras and we already dove into the world of audio recording.

Every team had to pick a story to base our final project around. The theme was supposed to be the effects of the bad economy, but somehow I managed to score the assignment of building a story around a brand-new high-end chocolate shop in Camden. The first day was all about research so we were forced to sample all the flavors! Not a bad gig if you ask me.

I strolled down to Camden harbor on this fine day to take some pictures of the boats during the 'golden hour.' But instead of using one of the pretty pictures for this day I just couldn't resist this perfect picture of Maine.

It's tradition that the last day of class is celebrated by a lobster dinner. My classmates and I had a great time, despite the fact that we never did make our video deadline.

It was so worth the little sleep I got in order to leave Maine really early in order to get home as soon as possible to spend the gorgeous day with Karlo. We took a nice motorcycle ride and enjoyed a great Thai lunch. It's about time we spent some time together.

What a beautiful day for a run. And now I have to run . . . and go finish packing . . . I'm off again to the airport this evening for another week on the road. It's getting old.

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