Monday, April 27, 2009

I’m Not Ready

I am so not ready to start another week. From the minute we got home from work on Friday afternoon till collapsing in bed last night it has been non-stop. I’m completely exhausted and could really use to hibernate for at least one day. But on a brighter note, we did get a lot done.

Friday afternoon we celebrated not only Bentley’s 12th birthday, but the official end of the wood burning season. For those of you that have wood stoves, you can understand why this is a joyous occasion. Karlo vacuumed out the dirty stove and I did my happy dance around the house. I was actually looking forward to Spring cleaning, knowing that the second biggest source of dust was ending. After my happy dance it was upstairs to embark on my twice-a-year closet switcheroo. That took hours and I realized that I own way too many clothes. I’ve made a mental note to reduce the amount of clothes I buy. Feel free to remind me of this if I happen to forget.

Saturday morning started Phase One of operation Spring cleaning. Unfortunately, there will be 4 Phases so we’re not even halfway there, but every phase thrills me as we are getting closer and closer to a clean house. After filling my brand new vacuum bag in one hour I’m thinking maybe the dogs are going to live in our new shed from now on.

And speaking of the new shed . . . uuuuuuugh, what a waste of terrific weekend. That darn shed is sucking up all our time. I can’t even believe I’m reporting this, but guess what I spent most of my Saturday doing? The cleaning was nothing compared to the painting of the trim. Silly me. I didn’t even realize that trim was involved in a shed. And the worst part was that it needed to be primed with oil-based primer = does NOT wash off of anything, and it needed to be primed on both sides. Let’s just say that I was NOT a happy camper – again this weekend. And I’m still not done. Tonight we get even more trim. sigh

There were some bright spots of the mostly-work weekend. On Saturday we took an awesome kayak ride to work out the sore back muscles. And on Sunday we went for a first road bike ride to make the back and neck muscles twice as sore. Oh, and there’s a whole ‘nother story too as we rode without the GPS and got lost. I told Karlo that it just wouldn’t be our first ride of the season if we didn’t get lost. It’s becoming a tradition.

We ended the weekend with a very nice dinner with Dan, Jill and their adorable kids. Finally, we all got to sit and relax and have some fun. Too bad that was so short and we are back to work so quickly.

1 comment:

Penni said...

Your weekend sounded exactly like The Romano family weekends for almost 2 years now. But thankfully it is almost over . The house just needs a few finishing touches and some furniture and we will be ready for partying!! Which all of us plan on doing alot of this summer!!!!!