Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Lunch Conversation

Karlo and I just had lunch together and this is how our conversation went . . .

Paula: “My wrist is turning green. Look.”
Karlo: “Why is it turning green?”
Paula: “It’s bruised.”
Karlo: “From what?”
Paula: “The wall falling on me.”
Karlo (laughing): “That is funny.”
Paula (confused): “It’s funny that my wrist is turning green and bruised?”
Karlo: “No, I’m imagining a fly on the wall listening to our conversation and you all nonchalantly telling me that your wrist is bruised from the wall falling on you. As if this is something that happens every day.”

We both got a good chuckle out of that. I guess it would have sounded pretty strange if two normal people were having this conversation over lunch. But for Karlo and I, it’s just par for the course.

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