Monday, April 20, 2009

Photographic Blunders

I took a half day on Friday and spent an hour or so all by my lonesome self. I strolled around the yard with my camera and managed to take a bunch of really bad pictures. I guess this was my first DSLR major screw-up and my first lesson on why you should shoot RAW. I forgot to reset my white balance after shooting indoors and took photos outside in the beautiful sunshine with my white balance set to florescent lighting. Ooops. Now you would think this lesson would seal the deal for setting my camera to RAW, but it still didn't. I was able to fix all my pictures in Photoshop so I'm still not convinced I need RAW. But those are very boring and meaningless details for the non-photographers out there. The more amusing side of things is that some of my screw-ups actually turned out sort of cool. Here are three examples of pictures that I almost want to say, "I meant to do that." Check out the cool blue cast effects.

Screw-up #1: Unnaturally cool blue sky

Screw-up #2: Tropical blue water in my backyard pond

Screw-up #3: Not all that exciting, I just like the school of fish.

1 comment:

lgaumond said...

I love the tie-dyed sky in the first shot! That's no screw-up!

Please don't shoot in RAW. It's only more work to convert them to JPGs for Picasa and everywhere else you use them and it will only give you a headache. But that's just my 2-cents.

How exciting that you have all those fish in your pond!!