Have you even gotten a new toy that you are terrified to play with? Well, I got one. I have wanted to buy a small pottery kiln since the very first day that I went to a paint-your-own-pottery studio. The thought of being able to paint my own creations at home and fire them into beautiful works of art was completely thrilling. I get sucked into new craft projects so quickly and easily that I sometimes have to rein myself in and not allow myself to chase every fleeting dream.
But this pottery itch never went away and I recently came up with some new YogaDudes projects that involve pottery. Why not start up this hobby that I always loved and make a little money in the process? That would be the perfect situation.
So I bought this little kiln and Karlo spent a few hours the other night setting it up. He welded together the metal stand and got it all ready for me to plug in and, god forbid, turn on. Yikes! I read the instructions over and over and I have to say, I’m completely overwhelmed and scared to try it. Knowing me I’ll own a kiln and still drive to the pottery store to have them do all my firings.
If I do ever get the guts to give it a try I will report on how it goes. I see a lot of disappointment and ruined projects in my future. I just hope I don’t burn down the house. I hope our new insurance company never finds this blog. We are already on the black ball list as far as a fire risk goes. Shhhhhh, nobody tell.
And I just realized that it's Wednesday and this is not a Way Back posting. Oops!
You see disappointment and ruined projects in your future?? Way to set yourself up for failure, lady.
I see wonderful, exciting new adventures (and high electric bills) in your future. Maybe you should turn the new shed into a paint-your-own-pottery studio!
I actually thought of that!
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