Tuesday, December 20, 2011

My Academic Show N Tell

This just cracked me up. I was flipping through my grammar school records and noticed that my mother saved all of my report cards. I found it amusing that even way back then I already displayed my aversion to History and Geography. Well, I should rephrase that. I never cared for history because I always had an attitude of, "Why should I waste my time learning about stuff that happened a hundred years ago when I can be focusing on science and technology?" My sights were always set on the future, not on the past. That has not changed since childhood. I couldn't tell you the date of a single significant historical event. I even struggle to remember what year I got married, but I will soak up and retain new technology knowledge in a heartbeat. As far as Geography goes . . . no aversion there. I love geography. I'm just not all that good at it.

And without any further ado, here's what most of report cards looked like way back then.

On one hand I think the teacher must have been pretty sharp to nail my weaknesses with Geography and History (while clearly recognizing my brilliance in everything else ;-) But HELLO, what is with the B in Art????? And that comes the year after this. Go figure.


tina said...

wow, seeing those makes me remember how much i enjoyed Naylor School.

lgaumond said...

Ahem...iTunes is new technology. Why have you not soaked that up yet?

Unknown said...

Because it's idiotic technology that I don't approve of and I'm personally banning. I am only interested in smart technology.