Sunday, December 18, 2011

Week 50 in Photos

I was supposed to take a picture of the plate of cookies that I made and brought to our dance class, but I forgot and by the time we got home, well . . . the dish was empty. I guess that means the cookies were good! And I finally used the cookie dough that went from my brother's freezer, to my father's, to my office, to my friend's house and eventually made it's way home.

This is a very dangerous combination sitting on my desk. It's Scott Kelby's (one of my favorite photographers) "Holiday Gift Guide" (better than "Oprah's Favorite Things") and a catalog from a large camera supply place. Just for the record, I was good and didn't buy a thing. Yet.

Waiting in line at Big Y I was flipping through a magazine and wanted to make this drink. Instead of buying the magazine, I took a picture of the recipe. Is that stealing? Ooops.

My new boots sitting on my office chair. Since I no longer sit on it, I figured my shoes should put the chair to good use.

Here's my new Christmas party outfit that Karlo helped me pick out in Orlando. Too bad the photo is too dark to really see the outfit. My plum scarf gets totally lost and you also can't tell that there's plum in the skirt. Oh well. At least Karlo approved.

We went to a fun Christmas party this night. The house was decorated so beautifully that it was really hard to decide what to photograph for my photo of the day. This little plaque was just too cute and irresistible.

Early Santa strikes again. While Karlo was at Swarovski buying me my necklace he also picked this up. He wanted to give it to me before Christmas so I could decide where to display it on Christmas day. The picture doesn't do it justice. It's super sparkly and pretty. Hopefully there will be something left under the tree for me on Christmas. At the rate Karlo is giving my presents, I'm not so sure.

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