Monday, June 28, 2010

Addicted to Stress

Sometimes I think that maybe I must be addicted to stress. I can’t seem to get away from it and none of the stress in my life hasn’t been put there by me so I can’t really complain . . . about the stress. But I can, however, complain about the enormous amount of pain I’ve been in lately. Yesterday was a particularly bad day and it was bad enough to motivate me to call for help first thing this morning. I could sense that things were getting worse instead of better and I am in need of a fix and fast. So I called to make an appointment with a physical therapist and luckily got in right away. She only had to put two fingers on my upper back (near my neck) to say “Holy cow, you’re tight” and she told me that I most definitely carry all my stress in my shoulders. Great, now it’s confirmed that stress is causing me all my problems and aside from the physical therapy to fix the muscles, I just wish I could figure out how to eliminate some of the stress from my life. But that’s a puzzle that won’t be solved here tonight. Instead I will amuse myself with the rest of the story . . .

Karlo has been feeling bad for me and I’m sure he’s as thrilled about this situation as I am. Poor Karlo is in perfect health and shape and yet he is missing out on our fun activities because of me. I think that is almost a worse position to be in. How frustrating that must be. I don’t want to be responsible for not only me missing out on our activities, but him as well. So I went ahead and booked our motorcycle weekend get-away. Come Hell or high water I will figure out a way to do this (lots of pain killers I’m sure). And Karlo seems to be doing his best to help out too. He offers me massages and today he seemed to be really taking special care of me. I was so impressed with him and his driving on the way home from work. I’ve told him over and over that his driving stresses me out and I’ve begged him to take it easy - FOR ME. But that usually goes upon deaf ears and that frustration just stresses me more. But suddenly he seemed to be driving slower and taking it easy. I sat there in the passenger seat feeling my shoulders lowering and the tension releasing. The fact that Karlo FINALLY seemed to care made me feel sooooo good.

THEN we got within 5 miles from the house and he makes the biggest mistake ever. He says, “Boy, this air conditioner is really dogging the car.” OMG, did he ever blow it. And here I thought that he was just caring about me. He had no choice but to drive the way he was driving. There goes his brownie points, down the drain.

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