Thursday, June 17, 2010

Catching Up

Boy, it seems like forever since my last non-vacation related blog post. It’s going to take me a while to get back into the swing of talking about nothing. So let’s see, what have I’ve been doing since we got home . . . Oh, that’s right, not much of anything due to the fact that I got hit with some God-awful plague two days after returning home. The plague turned into a nasty sinus infection and I’m just barely getting over hit. It’s been terrible. Two weekends in a row I was just about completely out of commission. I missed a couple of days of work and just slept and slept. I really do hate being sick because I hate sitting still. uuuugh.

The worst part is that I went from being in really good shape to doing no exercise what-so-ever. My idea of ‘exercise’ for the past two weeks was walking up the stairs. I just can’t even explain how completely exhausted I’ve been. I would get winded walking from one room to the next. And the thought of all my hard work with P90X and all that biking just going down the drain made me want to cry. Today was my first taste of getting back into the groove of my life. We took our typical after work 1 hour hike and although I did feel out of shape, I made it through and I can feel the strength in my legs. I just need to work on getting my cardio back, but hopefully that will come back quickly.

The dogs survived us being away quite nicely. I am so thrilled that Cooper fell right into the free-feeding routine. This was my biggest fear of getting another dog. What if we were not able to continue with our free-feeding? That would have completely upset our applecart. But good ole Coop didn’t let us down. He had a check up at the vet last week and he weighed exactly the same weight as when we got him. Such a good boy. He didn’t under or over eat in our absence.

I haven’t really accomplished much around here in two weeks, but Karlo has been busy with some projects around the house. I will take some pictures and continue this report shortly.


louis vuitton said...

Good post ~!!

chanel purses said...
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tina said...

you'll feel like yourself in no time at all. enjoy the great weather weekend ahead!