Friday, March 2, 2007

I Hate Uncle Sam

Well, my 'walking on a cloud' didn't last long . . . thank God I went to see the accountant AFTER I got Police tickets and not before. I just got the bad news that we owe an additional $9K this year. So on top of the nearly $5K disaster in Maine, the upcoming expenses for the move and then the two closings we have to pay for . . . well, I'm ready to exhile to another country. This sucks!! This is not a good way to start the weekend. How depressing :-(

So all of you that get tax REFUNDS . . . I do NOT want to hear about it. OK?????


Anonymous said...

But isn't that because you guys get bonuses??

And where is my Happy Birthday blog?? TIna got one on her birthday.

Anonymous said...

hey, keep me out of this!!

lgaumond said...

Taxes suck. Don't you pay quarterly estimated taxes? You should!

Anonymous said...

Listen, crybaby....the alternative, e.g. not having money!, sucks worse. So suck it up!!! Life is house on the horizon...traveling the world, loving husband....adoring friends.....the list goes on...!!!!!!

Jamie said...

Gee... I got back like $4k last year and expect the same this year... looks like you need to fire your accountant!