If it wasn't for Tina just calling me to tell me she left a comment on my blog, I wouldn't even have found the time to visit it myself today. Sue, I'm sorry that I didn't post anything yesterday for you . . . but everybody . . . listen up . . . Yesterday was California Sue's birthday, so a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Sue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This time I'm showing off Sue on a day that she DID shower :-)
The chaos is starting in my life. I'm in the middle of trying to pack and move our belongings (while still keeping the house in show condition, in case our current deal falls through); dig through 2 years of paperwork for my accountant; sell stuff on CraigsList and have multiple people asking me tons of stupid questions that I don't have answers for; dealing with MORE problems in Maine, worrying about my father (who landed himself back in the hospital), trying to build a website for a freelance job (and 2 more unsolicited requests to build other sites), run my business and plan for my upcoming trip to LA, aside from other things. So let's make a pool to see who guesses how many days I'll survive this month before I have a nervous break down? I'm guessing I make it about another week. What's your guess?
yeah!!! thank you and happy anniversary of your engagement. Look, everyone I do shower
Holy cow, I forgot I got engaged on your birthday! I was about to ask how you remember that, but then I realized . . . how could you forget my engagement?!?!?!?
You need to learn to say NO lady! And any time someone asks you a question about your stuff on Craigslist, copy and paste the answer to your original listing so you never have to answer the same question twice. And call me - I'm useful, helpful and close-by.
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