My poor worried little pooch. It is incredible how much Bentley and me are alike. And I didn't realize this until we added another dog to the family. The difference between Bentley and Peanut cracks me up. And the really funny thing is that Bentley is just like me, and Peanut is just like Karlo . . . .
For instance, Bentley knows something out of the ordinary is going on. With every box that he watches us pack, he gets more and more stressed out. He sticks to me like glue and the expression (of terror) in his eyes just breaks my heart. There is nothing I can say to him to make him feel at ease. He just knows that something is up and worrying is what he does best (Paula).
And then there's Peanut. She too, is a bit intrigued by all the boxes. However, Peanut is mostly just poking her head in as many boxes as she can get to - just trying to see what she can steal. While her brother is stressing out, she is either playing with her toys, napping or trying to figure out how to get herself into some kind of trouble (Karlo).
Aww... your pooches are so cute. If Bentley needs to play with Molly to relieve some stress, you're welcome to bring him down anytime!
Nikki said " Poor Bentley... He's so cute !" But Peanut is more like her very nosey and a trouble maker
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