Sunday, March 11, 2007

Latest Update

What a crazy past few days we've had. After sweating it out for 3 days waiting for the final results of the house inspection, we finally got the buyers notice. I made a special point of requesting this by the close of business on Friday, but instead it came to me at 9PM on Friday. Basically the house passed just fine, but the buyers did manage to pick out the most minute issues and try to get more money out of us. I was in NO MOOD for this nonsense and I was just completely irritated that this came to me at 9PM. I still had not booked the movers or started to call any utility companies.

On Friday night I told my agent that I would think about this counter, I couldn't get back to the buyers until Monday (because I needed to make some calls and get some quotes) and Karlo and I DO want to go ahead with our already scheduled open house on Sunday.

When I hung up the phone I positively could not breath. I felt as though my chest was caving in. If one could really die from stress, that would have been my night to simply drop dead. Karlo was just as irritated as I was, but on the other hand, he points out that we shouldn't lose the deal for $1,000. Uuuugh. He was also the one whole-heartedly for the open house. How on earth was I going to pack the house and still have an open house? I went to bed, laid there and cried.

The next morning I got the email from the buyers. It outlined the issues that they felt deserved the $1,000. Part of me was hearing Regina's advice in the back of my head. I knew that another grand wasn't going to kill me, but too bad. I wasn't going to back down this time! I spent an hour composing the best written letter I could muster up. I was strong, sarcastic, sincere, honest . . . all at the same time. I was done being pushed around damnit. And nothing made me feel better than sending that letter, putting the buyers in their place and acting like I really couldn't care less if they wanted my house or not. I was pretty confident there would be others out there that wouldn't quibble over ridiculous things.

Before my agent even got my email, she called to tell me that the buyers "slept on it" and changed their minds. Seems the minute they found out that we were going ahead with our open house the panicked that somebody else might make us a better offer. Yes! Finally something goes my way for a change :-) I was very proud of myself for 1) not dying from the stress and 2) being strong and standing my ground.

And so it begins. We are in the process of ripping our house apart. It has been nothing but packing and moving all weekend. Oh, and did I mention I have 5 new painful dots on my right hand? Great timing there! I'm tired, I'm sore and I'm already sick of packing!

1 comment:

lgaumond said...

Good for you! I'm proud of you, especially for not dying of stress. That would have been sad.