Monday, October 25, 2010

I'm a Mess

Gee, not only do I not have any interesting or exciting stories off the top of my head, but the only think I can think to talk about is my current state of health. I must be getting old. Uuuugh.

Thanks to Penni, I got myself to the doctor's office on Friday and I'm so glad I did. I was heading downhill fast and there was no point in prolonging that agony. I got myself the prescription and what kills me is how stupid I am at the follow through. I take ridiculous care of Karlo. I insisted that he see his doctor for a follow up and was instructed to keep an eye on Karlo's temperature. We immediately went to CVS to buy a thermometer and then I painstakingly tested and re-tested both of our temperatures to make sure the thing was working properly. OK, to make sure I knew how to work it properly. I read and re-read all of Karlo's hospital paperwork to make sure I didn't miss a thing.

Then it comes to taking care of myself. I got my meds and starting taking them Friday night. I was due to take a dose every 12 hours and it wasn't until Sunday morning that I discovered the fact that I was supposed to take TWO pills every 12 hours. I, of course, didn't read the directions closely enough and was only taking one. Uuuuuugh. By Sunday I should have been feeling better if I had been taking the proper dosage. Idiot.

Next problem is my ears. The itching started to flair up (probably from eating pizza two nights in a row) and I decided to take another dose of anti-itch ear drops. Well, they proceeded to completely clog one ear, making me pretty much deaf and dizzy. Just what I needed in addition to the block head. I ran out on Sunday and got some ear wax cleaner and dripped that in hoping to clear the plug. No, it made it worst. I'm a mess. Three days now walking around partially deaf in my left ear, still congested from the sinus infection, and dizzy from the whole thing.


michelled said...

Sorry you are feeling so badly! Don't beat yourself up for misreading the prescription! It's a little frustrating how we women have to take care of everyone as well as ourselves!! Get better soon!!

tina said...

OMG you make me LOL the way you describe yourself walking around :)
makes me feel a little better about the way i have to walk around for another few weeks.