Friday, October 22, 2010


I'm so happy that it's Friday and so ready to put this week behind me. It's been a long week of feeling miserable and I'm now only 30 minutes away from taking my first antibiotic to cure my sinus infection. I'm giddy with glee that I actually dragged myself to the doctor today (thank you Penni) and I know that it's a sure thing that I'll start to feel better in a couple short days. I just wish I knew why I'm so prone to these darn sinus infections. They are no fun, that is for sure.

So good bye crappy week. I'm ready for the weekend and the following week. That one is sure to be a bit more exciting than the last. Karlo leaves for his first ever trip to Tokyo and I can't wait to hear how that goes. He is going to HATE it and it is going to be the most entertaining thing in the world to hear his post trip stories. Karlo breaks out into hives when I make him go to Manchester because it's too crowded with people. WAIT until he sees the train station in Tokyo. Ha! That should fix his wagon about complaining about Manchester. Hmmmm, sounds like the time he took me to Quebec in the winter to make me understand that CT is NOT cold.

But while Karlo is being completely tortured in Tokyo, I won't be too far off of the same hell. I'll be in NYC for three days and I'm not all too thrilled about it. Well, I'm not thrilled about the Big Apple portion of the trip. I am, however, thrilled to pieces to be going to the biggest photography expo in the country. How sweet of a deal that my work is actually sending me and paying for it! I was hoping that Tina could tag along. I had visions of going out on the town in the evening with her, making some much needed memories. But unfortunately Tina is in a cast and on crutches and my visions didn't quite include me pushing her around in a wheelchair. LOL. Definitely not the party scene I hoped for. Sorry T :-(

Plans have changed a few times since booking the trip and now I'll be accompanied by my favorite cousin Jamie and my photo mentor from Texas. It will be non-stop photography talk for 3 days and I can't wait. Stay tuned for more on that upcoming trip.


michelled said...

Have fun, cousins. I'm envious!!! Learn me something good.

michelled said...
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tina said...

have a great time at the convention and i'm sure you'll have a great time with Jamie in the Big Apple.