I'm positively thrilled to report that Karlo's surgery went very smoothly and he's now back home. It's amazing what a difference a few pieces on bone fragment can make. The doctor pulled quite a bit of 'stuff' out of Karlo's back and he was actually able to get up and walk last night, only hours after the surgery. You can't imagine what a thrill it was just to see him standing at the sink washing his hands. Despite being at the hospital for hours on end, I only got to visit with him for about an hour last night. Then I had to deal with the near riot trying to get out of the parking garage and make the long trek back home. After not sleeping for 2 weeks, I finally managed to get a good night's sleep last night, knowing that Karlo was comfortable and no longer in pain.
This morning I went back to the hospital to fetch him. It was a much, much better experience driving home then it was driving him there a couple of days ago. Things are definitely improving. Now his only pain is from the surgery itself and that will get better and better each day. What a mental relief this is for me. I am so looking forward to less dramatic days.
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