Monday, May 2, 2011

Spring Cleaning Phase 2

This weekend we entered Phase 2 of our Spring Cleaning ritual. This one just makes me giddy . . . it's called dog de-stinking. One Saturday we fumigated their bedroom. And by "we" I, of course, mean "Karlo." Out came the multiple dog beds and carpet and everything got washed, room and contents of room. Here's a shot of the beds drying on the deck.

Now can you just imagine the torture these poor dogs had to endure as their beds were being washed? Oh my goodness it was terrible! They had to lay on plain carpet. Horrifying, I know.

The sun was not cooperating and it was looking like the beds would not dry in time for bedtime. Now there will be a big problem if the Princess didn't have a comfy bed to sleep on. We had no choice and were forced to head out shopping to buy a brand new bed. But it wasn't all bad. This was my first successful trip out in public where I entered a store and didn't have to go running back to the car to hide from the noise of people bustling. I did so well, in fact, that Karlo treated me to dinner in Sturbridge. Wow, I was out in public with no ear plugs. Such an accomplishment.

Princess got to sleep on her new bed and I didn't know a dog was capable of smiling such a big smile. When we got home, Cooper came upstairs to hang with us in the living room, while Peanut went straight to bed, claiming her new territory. Thank goodness Cooper is a good sport.

Since the weather was nicer on Sunday we deemed it "doggie shave day." I did my happy dance as Karlo shaved all the hair off the hounds. They didn't seem to mind much at all.

And they really don't look all that much different, just lighter.

They do look pretty silly with dark heads, legs and tails and bald light bodies.

And to think Peanut needs to go to the vet this week. I can only imagine what the vet is going to think of our grooming skills.

1 comment:

tina said...

so glad you are feeling better. the dogs just crack me up