I find myself in an airport, again. And just the sight of United Airlines still makes me sick.
We tried to make the most of the rainy weather and take our first walk in a very long time. The rain couldn't take away the thrill of WALKING with Karlo.
I spent today at one of our trade shows at the Big E. As boring as boring gets, but luckily I got sprung out early to go to an open house to take photos. Much better than standing in a trade show booth. And the free lunch, snacks, and ice cream wasn't bad either.
We went to a really fun show at UConn tonight. I couldn't snap a photo during the show, so I thought it was funny to show our tickets. Notice the date. The original show was snowed out. There's a big surprise.
Although we did something much more fun than this today (a wine tasting charity party), most of my day was taken up on a video/photo gig. I visited a customer shop in NY for my first DSLR video shoot. It was a terrifying ordeal and my fingers are still crossed that I didn't screw up.
Tonight was another themed dinner party with friends. This time it was Mexican night and it sure was fun.
Karlo is feeling well enough to wrestle with Cooper - and win.







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