The first night of Jessica's visit we all went line dancing. Even Karlo got out and did a little dancing. Never a dull moment when Karlo's in the line.

The next night we stayed in and made the best Mexican dish. Holy cow was it good.

I think I did such a good job due to the fact that I was sporting my new apron that Jess and Karlo picked up for me. I was actually having a little fun in the kitchen.

Later that night we watched the movie Rio and I LOVED it. I've been patiently waiting for 6 months to see this movie. Ever since I caught a glimpse of the first 20 seconds of the coming attractions I was hooked. And I wasn't disappointed. If you're looking for a great family movie, Rio is a must see.
On Saturday we headed toward the shore, which might have been a mistake given that it was perfectly warm and sunny when we left home and perfectly warm and sunny when we got back inland, meanwhile it was cloudy and cool at the shore. But that didn't ruin our day at all. We had so much fun with our buddies Sue and Tim. What a ball. We spent hours walking around a huge art show in Westerly, RI. I just loved every minute of looking at all the pretty things. I only bought a couple of things (a pretty necklace and a dog collar for myself - long story coming soon), but I got so inspired by all the beautiful art that I'm re-energized to make something, anything. And I was on a chicken hunt. Why am I so attracted to chickens??

Chickens turned out to be the theme for the day. Since I didn't get the chicken purse that I so loved we were hell bent on finding me a chicken in Mystic. We drove over there for a lovely lunch on the water and then hit the shops. Lo and behold Jessica and I found me a chicken.

We strolled and ate ice cream and strolled some more. Then we headed back to Sue and Tim's for an absolutely hilarious game of dominos. I think I beat the world record for the worst domino score of all times. That's OK. Me and my little chicken had a ball.

After a couple of beers we decided to give me the chicken feet tatoo that I always wanted. I was totally ready to hit a real tattoo parlor, but this was less painful and much cheaper.

And lastly we hung out in Eastford all day Monday with our friends Dan and Jill. I made the cutest little dessert. I call this "the Penni Parfait" because the first time I had it Penni made it for my birthday. Since I wanted a Memorial Day theme it was perfect and so delicious. I have been on a roll with the cooking. I think Jessica is a good influence on me :-)

I'm sad to see the glorious weekend come to an end. It was simply perfect and I want it to extend for a few more days . . .
To see more pics from the long weekend, please click here.
I am so proud of you for cooking and enjoying it! And you should totally get the real chicken feet tattoo. You deserve it after all of your hard work in the kitchen. It looks like you had a perfectly wonderful weekend! Yay!
Hi Jessica, good to see you. Enjoy your time in CT.
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