Monday, September 26, 2011

My Redneck Adventures Part 1

On Thursday I dragged myself out of bed at 4am to start my Redneck adventure. It was quite the stressful morning just trying to get myself out of the house and then the drive to the airport in terrible fog was dreadful. It was quite the relief to just get on the airplane and relax for a couple of hours. I arrived in 'some Carolina' and I was quite embarrassed to admit that I wasn't even sure if I was in North or South Carolina. I flew into Greenville and apparently there's a Greenville in both states so maybe it wasn't so bad that I was confused. The guy I was meeting (Jimmy AKA Bubba) wasn't in the airport waiting for me and that was when I realized that I never even put his phone number into my phone before leaving the office. Brilliant. I overcame that hurdle and got a message to him to call me. He did, and the first thing he says to me, "Hello, Miss Bubbette . . . I thought you were coming NEXT week." Good God almighty, I totally believed him! My heart immediately sank, but luckily he was just pulling my leg and calling me from right outside the door. Thank goodness.

So I jump into the biggest monster pickup truck I ever saw (which just got washed for the special occasion of driving me around). My Mini Cooper could have fit in the truck bed (well, after he removed the ATV that he hauls around everywhere he goes for some unknown reason). I managed to fit my bags in the backseat along with tons of camo gear, sleeping bags, bows and arrows. I guess you never know when a deer is going to walk by and you need to jump out of your truck and hunt.

Off we went to work for the rest of the day. That was business as usual . . . walking around boring machine shops talking about boring work stuff. Ho hum. That evening we went for a drive back to the mountains and it was beautiful. Such a pretty area. I really enjoyed the sightseeing. If I could just be less of a Yankee I could see myself living down there.

The next day was a carbon copy of the first. Work all day in a stinky machine shop, but the day got much more exciting in the evening. It was time for my off-road adventure (in the rain). We took this monster truck on some crazy slick trails and it was a hoot.

We managed to get ourselves what I called "stuck," but I stood corrected. We were not stuck, we were just not going to move any further. OK, is there a difference? I was starting to panic given the fact that we are in the middle of the woods, in the rain, and I had to pee! Some how we managed to reverse our way far enough back down the slick hill to get enough momentum to make it all the way up. By the time we finished the trail, it was pouring and at the same time the sun was out and shining brightly. It was beautiful. I captured this rainbow.

I made one comment about how I should have video taped it and that was it . . . Jimmy decided that we needed to do it all over again - this time with my camera rolling. When will I learn to shut my mouth? So off we went again and this time I have to admit, I enjoyed it more because I knew that it was indeed possible to make it up that slick hill. We cranked the country music on the radio and had a ball. When I get home I will try to post the video of that crazy ride.

1 comment:

tina said...

that trail ride sounds like so much fun. can't wait to hear about the rest of the trip :)