Thursday, September 1, 2011

Our Big Night Out

Based on the above photo you can see that our big night out was a rockin' good time . . .

Poor Jessica. She was supposed to fly home on Sunday morning because she needed to be back home for work on Monday. It was becoming very clear that was not going to be possible as the storm forecasts started late last week. We were proactive and called the airline to rebook her for a Monday morning flight. All was well. But then we got notification that the airline took the liberty of changing her flight again – this time till Wednesday. Really? With every day being sunny and clear there was no chance of her flying Monday or Tuesday? So she was forced to stay with us, in a dark house with no running water, and virtually nothing to do. A rocking good time.

We survived the first night and even managed to whip up a gourmet shrimp and pasta dinner in the dark. I'm hoping to be able to wash the dishes from that meal some time next week.

On Tuesday night we decided to treat ourselves to a night out of the house. We got in the car and managed to navigate around the closed streets to get to the Eastbrook Mall. We had a lovely night of dinner and a movie planned . . . only problem was that the darn mall was closed due to the power outage. uuuuugh. Plan B was to go to the only other restaurant nearby, which happened to be near Walmart.

I meant to take a picture of my lovely dessert, but I was a little more interested in gobbling it down rather than fiddling with my phone. Dinner was nice and we decided to drop into Walmart to buy a movie on DVD as an alternate to the real theater. I had my laptop charged and we were going to have to make due. So our big night out was a trip to Walmart. Whoohoo. The good news was that we were able to pick up some more supplies like candles. I was lucky to get any with the shelves looking like this:

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