Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I Need Tivo

This is torture. My two favorite TV shows are on at the same time. Last night I struggled trying to decide if I should watch my new addiction: Fringe or Dancing with the Stars. I already missed the opening night of DWTS, due to my real dance class happening at the same time. Now, wasn't that poor planning on the instructor's part? Why would you schedule your lesson on the same night as the best dancing show? Of course, this isn't a problem for most of the population because just about everybody has Tivo. I think we are in the minority, still living in the stone age with no way of recording anything. We don't even own a VCR anymore. I guess I'm going to have to rely on YouTube and Lisa for my DWTS play-by-plays because Fringe won out last night.


Jamie said...

check with your cable company, they probably have a DVR cable box that you can get and record everything! it changed our lives.

Anonymous said...

we have dvr and it is great since
the kids cant stay up as late as
dwts goes. they can watch it
at a much more convenient time.