Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Test Results are In

OK, there weren’t really any tests, but I know, without a doubt, that my sore neck is not caused by falling asleep funny on the coach, but rather stress. And how do I know this? Because the pain has taken its usual course of moving from my neck to my upper back and shoulder. I’ve been down this road enough times to know exactly what it is. That, combined with the fact that I’m now experiencing IBS attacks before I finish swallowing my last bite of any meal tells me everything I need to know . . . I need to de-stress, relax, and actually start to look forward to vacations.

And the funny thing is that I do feel relaxed. I mean, I’m not physically or consciously feeling stressed, but I can’t seem to control what my subconscious mind is up to. I’m actually ahead of schedule. We are still days away from taking off and I got all the important things covered. I’m packed, dog sitters are lined up, I figured out how to shut down my side business, bills are paid, work . . . who cares about work. I’m ready and I shouldn’t feel stressed. What the heck is wrong with me? Perhaps I should have a few cocktails on the plane. Oh well. I may not be looking forward to the travel, but at least I am looking forward to going to the library tonight. Maybe just the sight of all the books will make me feel better.


tina said...

i can relate to the EXACT symptoms.
what helps me is laughter. watch a
funny movie or your favorite comedian in their own comedy show or watch americas funniest home videos. alot of laughter and then a
peaceful nights rest.

Anonymous said...

I can vouch for AFV - I always end up laughing out loud. And feeling better about myself. Especially the dogs and cats.